Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gliffy and other mapping tools

I took some time to explore Gliffy, an online mapping and more tool. I think there are some really neat features and possibilities that come with the product. It offers mapping in the forms of a number of features. You can diagram everything from a floor plan to assembling a IT network plan. I particularly could probably have benefitted from this tool when designing my EdWeb project. The technical drawing feature could be useful in some of my work with the Health and Safety team to outline how operations work. The floor planning feature was an interesting feature, but not one that I could necessarily use in my current position. but could be helpful at home to help with redesigning our home floorplans.

The collaborative features of this program can also help in the development of your project as well. The free option provides many of the features that can make it successful. Upgrading to the premium version could have it's benefits, but at $5 a month can also quickly add up. I would say this program would be worth considering for future projects, but would likely start with the free option

In the process of developing my Package with a Purpose project, I examined a few different options like Mind42.com and other Web 2.0 mind mapping tools. While I found these to be useful for their cross-computer options, I found the tools to be less than perfect. The controls were often touchy and in the end I found myself resorting back to Duarte's comments about simplicity and using sticky notes. As cool and interactive as many of these programs are, the hands on manipulatives often make the idea development more concrete and easier to handle. In my opinion anyway. :)

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